Inform Your Community

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.”

― William Faulkner

Raise Awareness in Your Community

Together We Can Do This

We believe that if all of us take just one step, we will change this situation far quicker than we can imagine.  Working to raise awareness in every state in this country starting now will result in strong  protections for our children.

Please consider the easy steps below.

1. Talk to your Friends and Neighbors

Many of us simply went door to door on a Saturday afternoon. We chatted about our families and brought handouts , sharing how each family could take simple steps at home (and opt out of Smartmeters). Everyone was thankful to learn more and it was a great opportunity to talk to neighbors we sometimes miss in the busyness of life.

2. Speak at Local Council Meetings

Across the country parents have raised this issue at local Council meetings and been successful at passing resolutions and raising awareness. We cannot underestimate the importance of getting involved in your local government.

Every Council meeting allows for public comment. Check if you need to sign up before hand, prepare a concise testimony with key points for the three minutes and Go For It!

3. Meet with Your Elected Representatives

Some of us parents had never done this before. Some were not even sure how our state government worked and were intimidated at the thought of meeting with a Senator! Each state has representatives and senators that represent us and their job is to listen to our concerns.  Many states are introducing laws to help reduce our children’s wireless exposure because parents took this initial step to share information with them.

4. Connect with Local Groups Who Care About Health

In every community there are fantastic groups working hard to raise awareness on everything from cancer prevention to nutrition to environmental health issues. They need to hear from us. All groups concerned about childrens health and the environment will be interested in learning more about this issue. Call, send information and set up a time to meet and talk more.

5. Talk to Local Businesses and Even Your Public Library

When we go to the library we leave not just with a book but also with a dose of unnecessary wireless radiation exposure. We found that librarians and local business owners are very interested in our concerns and want to learn more. Keep brochures in your car to hand out to stores as you do your daily chores.

Most of us have written more formal letters to businesses so they can choose safe technology in all of their stores across the country. We also write our local library and library system administrators.

Public buildings should be safe and healthy spaces for all. We ned to let our public officials know about this issue so they can take much needed steps.

Parents For Safe Technology